The Ambassador to the Jaffa’s was cruelly punished by Cruelly DeVilly for his daring to speak out.
TBD recalls the misery of life with Crolly. Harrowing stuff.
Emgro’s eyes have since been fixed by the beneficence of Emja!
Crolly has been accused of innumerable horrors during his (mercifully brief) reign. However, none are more serious than his denial of Jaffa Cakes’ biscuit status. The erstwhile commander cruelly refused to allow Jaffa’s the right to self-determination, vetoing a public referendum on their confectionary status.
”Each and every day, before his stream, Crolly would let me out of my filthy cage, and promise food if I behaved and wore the wonky googly eyes and the hat he stole when he raided my people and kidnapped me. HE MUST BE STOPPED!”
“He would call them Katie-crunches. Before and after every stream Crolly would make me watch as he finished every last bite of the deep-fried steak. It was harrowing. Not only that, but he called me by my slave name the entire time. Crolly’s oppression must end!”
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